Animal Welfare for Saleyards
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The course is designed for personnel employed or working in saleyard facilities. By undertaking this course participants should expect to have a good understanding of the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Saleyards and Depots and Model codes of practice for the welfare of animals.
Apon successful completion of this course all participants are expected to be able to successfully apply knowledge of good animal welfare practices into practical situations.
Successful completion will result in the following unit of competency being awarded - AMPLSK201 - Apply animal welfare and handling requirements.

An individual must be able to demonstrate, understand and apply the skills and knowledge required to perform the follow tasks;
- Identify relevant sections of Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines
- understand workplace procedures for receival and/or dispatch of animals
- follow workplace requirements for maintaining flow and order of animals
- understand impact of stress and injury on the animal
- impact of stress and injury on product quality, including carcases, hides and skins
- animal identification systems, including National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)
- lot identification of animal and its importance for traceability
- workplace health and safety hazards of handling animals
- correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
- feed and water requirements of animals at site
- standard operating procedures for tasks associated with handling animals
- arrangements for the emergency slaughter or euthanasia of sick and injured animals
- customer and community expectations of animal handling.
An individual demonstrating competency must satisfy all of the elements and performance criteria in this unit.
There must be evidence that the individual has applied animal welfare and safe handling requirements for at least one lot of animals.
Assessment Conditions
Assessment of the skills in this unit of competency must take place under the following conditions:
physical conditions:
- skills must be demonstrated in a workplace where livestock are handled for processing, or an environment that accurately represents workplace conditions
resources, equipment and materials:
- real animals for handling
- workplace procedures, including advice on safe work practices and animal welfare and safety
- interactions with work team.